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Five Dirtiest Spots in Your Home You Didn’t Know About

The home is a safe haven for families but it can also be a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses, so deep cleaning it from time to time may be necessary. But do you know that even if you think you have already made your home spotless, there could still be some bacteria and viruses lurking around that may cause illnesses to your loved ones? Below are some places in your home that are prone to the growth of bacteria and viruses without you knowing it.

Your Toothbrush and Toothbrush Holder

You may have always kept your toothbrush clean after every brush, but mostly, you would be putting it away damp and letting it dry on its holder. Bacteria and viruses love damp places and your toothbrush and toothbrush holder are places they would definitely thrive. Always make it a point to replace your toothbrush every three months to prevent the growth of bacteria on your mouth cleaning implement.

The Kitchen Sink

The kitchen sink is one of the dirtiest places that you may not know about. It is a breeding ground for salmonella and e. coli due to food particles that are often soaked there. Organizations that offer professional cleaning services recommend cleaning your sink with bleach and water solution once a day to prevent the overgrowth of bacteria and salmonella.

Dish Rags and Sponges

We use these things to keep our dishes clean, but they are also the most vulnerable to bacterial growth. They could contain coliform bacteria, staph bacteria, yeast and mold.  To clean dish rags, it is recommended to boil them for 15 minutes once in a while. Doing so can kill the bacteria, mildew and mold that have thrived on their surfaces. Sponges, on the other hand, may be placed inside ovens and heated for at least two minutes.

Your Bathtub

This couldn’t have been right, you may think, since the bathtub is where you keep yourself clean. However, a study made by Rita Moyes, a Texas A&M microbiologist, proved that bathtubs can contain bacteria caused by fecal matter, stap bacteria, and fungi. You may keep your bathtub clean by regularly rinsing it water. Baking soda may also be used for cleaning.

Remote Controls

This might never have come to your mind, but the remote controls are among the dirtiest spots in your home. It is being handled by just about everybody in the household, dropped in floors and placed just about anywhere, making it susceptible to bacteria and viruses without you noticing it. To prevent bacteria from making your remote controls their home, wipe them once in a while with alcohol or any cleaning solution.

Prioritize your family’s health. Cleaning services can help you disinfect your home from any illness-causing germs and viruses. They can help clean even the most remote areas of your home.

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